June 15, 2024 (Vol.32, No.12) – Opportunities for Enrichment

OLA Leadership Scholarships are Available

Are you looking to grow in your profession? To become more of a leader? To explore learning opportunities? Apply for a scholarship from the Leadership Committee of OLA. Scholarships support leadership development and contribute to the growth of leadership potential within OLA and libraries statewide.

The OLA Leadership Committee offers scholarships of up to $1000, available to all members of OLA regardless of employment or job title. You do not need to be a manager, or aspire to a management position, to qualify for a scholarship. In the past, recipients have used the scholarship to attend conferences, diversity training and OLA’s own Leadership Institute (LIOLA).

A simple green graphic of an envelope and two stylized pieces paper money with dollar signs.

Scholarships are awarded three times each year. Priority for at least one scholarship is given to individuals from diverse cultural/ethnic backgrounds and/or historically underrepresented groups. Scholarship winners agree to provide service to OLA as a condition of receiving a scholarship. For example, join a committee or roundtable, present at a conference or division workshop, or write an article for the OLA quarterly. It doesn’t matter so much what you do, but we encourage you to step outside your comfort zone. 

For additional information, please review the FAQ and scholarship application form. The next application deadline is June 30, 2024.

-Liisa Sjoblom

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