October 1, 2008 (Vol. 14, No. 23) – President’s Message

President’s Message

“Great ideas begin when you finally say “yes.” (MaryAnne Radmacher)

This quote is on my mind as September ends because this month many members have been saying yes to requests to be involved in OLA. Their responses are not just “yes.” I’m hearing “yes, I’m honored”, “yes, thank you for asking”, “yes, this sounds like fun.” And, of course, “yes, my work life feels overloaded but so is everyone’s so I’ll try it!”

My job as OLA President would be a lot harder if members didn’t say yes. I so appreciate the willingness exhibited. I wonder who is out there who would like to be asked but I don’t know it. Please ask–I’m sure OLA will figure out a way to say “yes” to you!

Mary Ginnane
OLA President